Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Warehouse Visit Images!

Interesting buildings adjacent to our Warehouse location!


Layers of history - Brick/CMU deconstruction

Preserved among the old warehouse is an old safe

Natural light illuminates an exposed brick wall connected to another building. It was previously covered by CMU that enclosed our warehouse space. Meiyan is intrigued by the remnants of the demolished wall assembly.

The class awaiting the arrival of the container

Old news articles extracted from the remaining insulation of the warehouse. Highlight the happenings of the area during the 1940's and 50's.

"Panama Jack" sharing personal memories about Orlando

The address associated with one of the warehouses we will be working out of

Views from the interior of the warehouse - connecting buildings pictured

Exposed ceiling structure

"The flower that grew in concrete."

The container arrives!

 "No Smoking While Processing" sign is an artifact from the orange processing plant that previously existed in this warehouse

Light & Shadows

Layers of history

 The container marked TRBU has now been renamed to "True Blue"


  1. this should be our new studio/school!

  2. Great pictorial narrative Bri! It would be great for our Citylab studio. But great for the shop for now!

  3. Great pictorial narrative Bri! It would be great for our Citylab studio. But great for the shop for now!


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