Saturday, January 28, 2017

Tasks for this weekend (1/28-1/29)

Task 1. Photograph your constructions. Get images of them as "objects" but mainly photograph them for their qualities and their ability to create spatial conditions. These can be close-ups with lighting affects, for example. The idea is to get images that you can incorporate into drawings that present the evocative possibilities of these details. I want these photos to have mysterious qualities. You may Photoshop them, for sure. I want your two best of these printed and posted on the wall Monday morning.

Task 2. Model the detail. In the model you are not constrained by the materials you can get hold of. You can continue to work out how the detail works. This is to be a computer model that could possibly be collaged with images of current physical model. The goal is to produce a set of drawings that shows the spatial/material character of the detail in place on container (a rendered perspective view, probably a mid-shot) and the way it is assembled on container (an exploded axo). I will provide detailed shipping container models for your use (link to follow). I want you to whip these out and print then and post them on the wall under your photos Monday morning. Be strategic, be efficient, don't get trapped in any tunnels.

Coming up Wednesday.
Create a post that starts with your finished design (images and drawings) and then takes the reader through the design process, beginning with the precedent (s) and ending with a written review. This post is made from stuff you already have. It is a draft of the pages you will make to contribute to the next chapter of the book. It will have...

*Striking images of the project (the photos due Monday, refined)
*Amazing drawings of the project (the perspective and axo due Monday, refined)
*Images of precedent (s) with identifying caption(s).
*A paragraph describing what you identify in it, why it is significant and how you will use it. This should include a bulleted list.
*Sketches of your mock up with lists of materials, tools and processes. 
*A list of sources for your research into making this construction. In most cases you had to go beyond your precedent to learn about materials and processes, even look at other designs. This is a sort of mini ROL (Review of Literature). What information did you use to help solve this problem? What other literature is there about this? Include a list of sources for your research into making this construction with a summary sentence of what information it held.
*A selection of process photos and sketches from construction with captions. 
Trouble? Possibility? Make them interesting. Include conflict and problems (failures).
*A paragraph reviewing the process and describing the value and possible implementation of the detail.

Coming up Friday.
Continue to refine photos, drawings and writing as you layout book pages. Due Friday.

We will also begin to engage the site next week!

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